These ‘Objective Perspective’ drawings describe complex interior volumes as seen through the ‘lens’ of discrete objects. The project draws on our interests in drawings with image-like properties, utopian studies of polyhedral geometries and structures from the 1960’s, and Piranesian interior volumes with uncertain extent and orientation. Primarily though, these drawings push representation toward a type of metaphor – a way of expanding the definition of the viewing subject and speculating on foreign views of the world.

Spherical lens, Dodecahedra, Parallel Hatching

Vertical Hatching: Interior Volume Mapped to Ball
An everyday object (a ball, a donut, a light bulb, a crystal…) stands at the center of a cavernous space bounded in all directions by a porous stack of modular objects. This space is mapped onto the surface of the object, constructing a perspective unique not just to the space being seen, but to the contours of the object ‘seeing’ it.

Concentric Hatching

Projected Circles

This perspective can be unrolled to a flat ‘picture plane’, but before that, it exists as a composite drawing/thing, both abstract and real. The object is manifest only as a drawing and the drawing as a 3-dimensional object.

The ambiguity of illusionary depth and literal flatness has long been the subject of modern painting and drawing, but here, the ambiguity is between rendered architectural space and the solidity of the object reflecting that space.

Nut lens, Hexagonal Polyhedra, Parallel Hatching

Spherical lens, Hexagonal Polyhedra, Parallel Hatching

Detail: Spherical lens, Dodecahedron, Parallel Hatching

Spherical lens, Pentagonal Polyhedra, Parallel Hatching

Spherical lens, Pentagonal Polyhedra, Concentric Hatching

Spherical lens, Dodecahedra, Concentric Hatching

Spherical lens, Hexagonal Polyhedra, Projected Circle Hatching

Spherical lens, Hexagonal Polyhedra, Plaid Hatching
Project Team: Kate Richter, Braden Young